Custom‑fit design sound more your style? Find out our customers’ favourite things about our In‑The‑Ear fitting style which is available at all technology levels and learn how these hearing aids operate and if they might be the fit for you.
If you have short hair and wear glasses, custom hearings aids are a fantastic option. They are tailor made to fit into your ear comfortably and as discretely as possible.
How ITE works
Keen to know how the In‑The‑Ear fitting style operates? Listen up!
In‑The‑Ear hearing aids are housed within your custom‑made shell, and sit in the outer part of the ear.
The shell contains the components that amplify and process sound to help you hear better.
Sound is delivered directly into your ears through the speaker positioned within the shell.
ITE style benefits and considerations
Have you heard? Our customers have spoken up about their favourite In‑The‑Ear features:
You heard right. Our In‑The‑Ear hearing aids are custom‑made to fit your ears, ensuring a precise and comfortable fit.
The In‑The‑Ear’s larger size makes them easier to handle and adjust compared to smaller fitting styles, so your hearing will always be in good hands.
On the other hand, compared to other styles, there might be some potential downsides depending on what you need.
Designed to fit the majority of the external ear cavity, In‑The‑Ear hearing aids are more visible compared to smaller styles. that sit deeper inside the ear canal.
The in‑ear style may require more frequent cleaning and maintenance compared to other styles to keep the sound clear.
Some wearers can experience a blocked feeling with In‑The‑Ear hearing aids. Any trouble, come in and talk to our team – we’re all ears.
Sound like you?
If you like the sound of this style, or you’d like to discuss your options, book a hearing aid discussion with an Audiology Professional at your local Specsavers.
Products and prices
Discover and compare our range of hearing aids from Advance, Signia and Phonak.
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