What is causing my blurred vision?
There are many reasons why you could be experiencing blurred vision and you might have this symptom in conjunction with other eye issues. It is best to have blurry vision checked by a professional to ensure it is nothing to be concerned about. Here are some of the more common reasons for blurry vision.
Could blurry vision be a refractive error?
Refractive errors such as long and short sightedness as well as astigmatism can result in blurry vision. If you find it difficult to see objects in the distance you may be short-sighted or myopic, or you may have an astigmatism. If it is near vision you struggle with, you may be long-sighted. Your optometrist will be able to assess your vision. Corrective lenses may be required for these conditions so you can see clearly. If your eyes are straining, you may get headaches as a result of uncorrected vision.
Why are my eyes, red, itchy swollen and blurry?
If you have itchy, red, swollen eyes, this could be the result of allergies. You may benefit from antihistamine eye drops or tablets. However, you will need to visit your GP for these.
How do migraines affect vision?
Migraines are a neurological disorder that result in extreme headaches with severe pain. Some people experience flashes or spots in their vision before the headache phase sets in. This is known as aura, and can also result in blurry vision. If you come down with a headache after experiencing visual symptoms, you may need to visit your GP for a diagnosis of migraine. They will be able to prescribe pain killers to help you feel better.
What is dry eye?
Blurred vision may also be a sign of dry eye, a condition that can be remedied by the use of eye drops. This is the result of a chronic lack of lubrication or moisture.Dryness, scratchiness, red eyes and a burning sensation are common symptoms you might also experience.This can often be remedied by using eye drops, but for more individualised advice, it is best to discuss this with your optometrist.
Why do I have floaters and flashes?
While small floaters are often normal and do not signal anything out of the ordinary, if you see a shower of floaters, or flashing of lights and have blurry vision as a result, you need to seek immediate medical attention. This can indicate a medical emergency - retinal detachment. This can be repaired by a surgeon if it is caught early.
Why have I lost vision in one of my eyes upon waking?
A temporary loss of vision in one eye could be an amaurosis fugax. This is caused by a temporary lack of blood flow to the retina and can indicate an impending stroke.This could last seconds or minutes. It is a symptom of carotid artery disease and occurs when a piece of plaque breaks off in the arteries and travels to the eye. Plaque is a hard substance created when cholesterol and fat build up in artery walls. If you feel a black out in one eye it is essential to visit your doctor as soon as possible. If the loss of vision lasts longer than a few minutes or if you have other symptoms, seek immediate medical attention.
Why is a cyst causing blurred vision?
Cysts can be in the form of styes, chalazia, sweat gland cysts, keratosis or birthmarks.A cyst located on an eyelid can result in blurred vision. Most of the time these resolve on their own due or with attention to personal hygiene. However, if it is persistent, you may require a course of antibiotics or even surgery to correct it. Your optometrist may need to refer you to an ophthalmologist for surgery. The surgery to remove cysts is a common procedure so there is very little risk involved. A local anaesthetic will be used so you won't feel pain from the operation.If you have any questions about the surgery, you can ask your ophthalmologist.