Why do I have poor visibility in sunlight?
The sun can be hard on our eyes and can cause damage to these organs. Sunglasses should be used when in the sun to protect your eyes and there are prescription options available. Here are some common questions about how the sun affects eyes.
Why is it hard to see in the sun?
Glare can make it hard to see in the sun, but if you are struggling to see even with sunglasses on, it could indicate that you have early cataracts. Another reason might be you have a corneal abnormality causing a slight haze that is worse in sunshine.When you visit your optometrist make sure you specifically mention this problem so that they can look into the issue.
Why do I see different colours when I am in the sun and then when I go inside?
If you notice that everything is given a hint of pink when you are in the sun, it could meant the clarity in the medium of your eyes has changed. When you next visit your optometrist, make sure that you mention it, as they may want to check your retina for changes. When you go inside, your vision may turn darker, or green. This means your retina is adjusting and is a completely normal phenomenon.
Why do I see dots or spots in my vision on a sunny day?
This could be the result of vitreous floaters, which are very common. They are bits of debris floating in the vitreous jelly of your eye. Floaters become worse as you age, or when you look at a bright object, such as the clear sky. If you are concerned about dots in your vision or they do not clear up after an hour, you should consult your optometrist. Any blindness should be considered a medical emergency and you should seek immediate help.
What is uveitis?
This condition is a swelling of the uvea, or the middle layer of your eye that provides the blood supply to your retina.It can result in dark, floating spots in your vision, eye pain, redness of the eye, blurred vision and sensitivity to light. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should book an optometrist's appointment to rule out an infection and work out an appropriate treatment.
What do I do if I have sunscreen in my eye?
If you get sunscreen or any other foreign objects in your eye you should use an eye bath and a tear drop solution.If this does not fix blurry vision, you should make an appointment with an optometrist.