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Why do I have problems driving at night?


There are many reasons why your night vision could be impaired, negatively impacting your driving ability. Here are some of the more common reasons for this issue.

What are progressive cataracts?

The lens of your eye can be found behind your pupil. As we age, cell turnover produces debris. This can build up on the lens, creating a cataract. This is a painless condition that gets worse. Often decreased night vision is the first sign of this disease. You may notice halos around lights and blurry vision. It is best to seek an opinion from your optometrist if you have begun to notice these issues with your vision. Cataract surgery could resolve this problem as it can replace the clouded natural lens with a clear intraocular lens. This will improve vision and make it easier to drive at night. After surgery you may still require vision correction in the form of glasses. You may also be more sensitive to bright lights but this should settle after a few weeks.

What is retinopathy?

This is particularly common in diabetics. High blood sugar is toxic to blood vessels and nerves in the eye and the retina can become damaged as a result. Poor night vision is one of the early signs of this and you may also notice your eyes take longer to adjust when you come inside from bright light. It is best to consult your optometrist about this as there may be steps you can take to prevent this from becoming worse. Often controlling your blood sugar levels can help to stabilise this condition and prevent it declining further.

Do I need an eye test if I get bad glare at night?

If you are having trouble with glare when you are behind the wheel, it could be that you need a new prescription. This means it is important to book an eye test with an optometrist as soon as possible.

Could vision fatigue cause poor night vision?

After a long day at work, vision fatigue can begin to affect people. This can make it hard to concentrate on the road. Also known as eye strain, this can make it harder to focus. This can worsen as a result of the difference between the illumination caused by head lamps and the amount of light in the passenger compartment.

Would the Zeiss i.scription test help driving at night?

This test measures detailed information about your eyes and is said to improve night vision as it can customise a vision solution to provide you with the exact amount of correction required. It analyses the individual profile of your eyes to give a highly refined prescription and eyeglasses with i.scription technology are believed to improve night vision.

Why does light become distorted from all directions at night?

If this problem only occurs at night and not during the day, it could be the result of a dirty windscreen. However, since it may also be a precursor to cataracts, it is best to get your vision checked by an optometrist.