How to insert a hearing aid

There are slightly different techniques for inserting your hearing aids, depending on the style chosen. Your Specsavers Audiology professional will have shown you this in store and with experience you will soon find it second nature.

Below are video step by step guides on how to insert Receiver-In-Canal (RIC) and Behind-The-Ear (BTE) with dome, Receiver-In-Canal (RIC) and Behind-The-Ear (BTE) with ear mould and In-The-Ear (ITE) hearing aid styles.

  1. First check that you have the correct hearing aid for your ear - red for right and blue for left
  2. Hold the hearing aid where the main body connects to the receiver and take the hearing aid up to your ear ensuring you don’t rotate your hand backwards
  3. Slide the body of the hearing aid behind your ear and push the dome into your ear canal as far as it will comfortably go
  4. If you hear a whistling sound the hearing aid may not be inserted correctly, try inserting it again.
  1. When inserting Receiver-In-Canal hearing aids with earmoulds, first check that you have the red hearing aid for your right ear and the blue for your left
  2. Hold the hearing aid where the main body connects to the receiver and slide the body of the hearing aid behind your ear
  3. Now push the mould into your ear canal until it feels firmly in place
  4. The mould should feel secure and comfortable in your ear, as it is custom made to fit your ear shape.
  1. Hold the earmould between finger and thumb with the part that sits over your ear facing you and place the earmould into your ear
  2. Tuck the body of the hearing aid behind the ear. Make sure the earmould is tucked properly under the crease in the ear
  3. The mould should feel secure and comfortable in your ear, as it is made to fit your ear shape
  4. If you hear a whistling sound the hearing aid may not be inserted correctly, try inserting it again.
  1. Hold the hearing aid with the tip pointing towards your ear canal and the writing facing away from you
  2. Insert the hearing aid into the ear, twisting slightly if necessary
  3. The hearing aid should feel secure and comfortable in your ear, as it is made to fit your ear shape.
  4. If you hear a whistling sound the hearing aid may not be inserted correctly, try inserting it again. Remember, if you would like some assistance our Audiology professionals are always here to help.