Can monovision be made in glasses as well as in contact lenses?
When many shortsighted people hit their middle aged phase, it can become difficult to balance the need for distance and close up vision correction. Presbyopia, a form of longsightedness, begins to affect the majority of the population when they are in their 40s and 50s. For shortsighted people, this development will require a trip to the optometrist. The best choice available to treat these two conditions simultaneously depends on your own individual needs. Many opt for multifocal lenses which consist of multiple focus points that can be used depending on whether you are looking at items up close or in the distance.
However, another alternative preferred by many is monovision. This is where one eye is corrected for distance vision and one for up close vision in the hope that the eyes work together and complement each other in order to prevent the need for additional reading glasses.
Can monovision lenses be used in glasses?
While it is possible for monovision lenses to be fitted into a pair of frames, many people find the difference in thickness of the glass, between the two eyes bothersome when looking through the edge of the glass. For this reason, contact lenses are a popular choice instead as they are a way to avoid this issue and can provide almost seamless vision correction. However, it is best to check with your optometrist as they are in the best position to give you advice about your options.
How long will it take to get used to monovision?
Most people adjust to this form of vision correction in the first few weeks. However, around 10-15 per cent of people may find they feel off balanced or experience eye strain as a result.If your eyes feel strained or you experience headaches when you have monovision lenses fitted, it is best to visit your optometrist for specialist advice.